International Tourism Acceleration Program

PATI is a program aimed at promoting the growth of international tourism to Brazil, in which Airlines and Airports can submit projects for new flights and access funds to promote Brazil. In its first edition, R$ 3.3 million will be allocated for proposals for new flights on the IATA W24 season, with the first call being held in June 2024!

Program Objectives: 

Expand Connectivity: Strategic Markets for Brazil. Capacity to increase the volume of tourists. Facilitated access to Brazilian destinations.

 Incentive: Brazilian or foreign airlines to promote new direct and regular international flights to Brazil.

Sustainability and Regional Distribution: Facilitate international flights to airports in established tourist destinations, with capacity for expansion and a lower volume of available seats. Shorten distances and reduce CO2 emissions.

Check here: 

Check the Final 2nd Round Report and supporting materials 

2nd round Appeals' report

2nd round Final Report


What proposal can be submitted?

- Subject to approval of certification protocols with ANAC

- Airlines can add new origins or destinations, provided there is a real increase in seat capacity compared to the 2023/2024 season.

- Proposals for capacity increases on existing routes may be included, provided there is a real increase in seat capacity for the group compared to the 2023/2024 season.

- Airports may secure funds to incentivize projects they have, provided there is an airline associated with the proposal.


Airlines and airports may submit Proposals.

Proposals from the first round can be improved;

New Proposals will be accepted, provided they comply with the more specific criteria.

Further calls can be made subject to fund availability.

For Projects that are in compliance with all documentation and deadlines established in the Cooperation Agreement.

Summary and Values 


1 – How many proposals will be called at PATI? 

As many proposals as necessary will be called to use the Notice's financial limit of R$ 3,330,000.00 (three million, three hundred and thirty thousand reais), according to item 1.3 of the Notice.

2 – How many proposals can I submit?

O Edital permite que quaisquer proponentes (companhia aérea ou aeroporto) inscrevam quantas propostas quiserem.

3I have a new flight with, with an operation of 7 additional weekly flights on W24/25. Am I required to register the 7 new flights, or can I register fewer flights?

The only obligation to be observed at this point is item 11.2 of the Notice, which stipulates the minimum number of flights to be registered on each of the proposed routes.

4What is the form of proof of expenses related to the promotion plan, in cases of complimentary accommodation and/or food?

Tax documents (invoice, invoice detailing expenses, among others) must be presented to prove the execution of the amounts relating to the Promotion Plan activities.

5After signing the term of the Collaboration Agreement, will the promotional actions need to be proven, as well as the continued operation of the flights?

Proof of the physical and financial completion of the Promotion Plan activities must be carried out prior to payment of the installments, by presenting an Execution Report in the appropriate format.

6If any promotional action is not carried out as submitted, and the first payment has already been made, would the airline need to return the amount? 

Failure to comply with the provisions of the Collaboration Agreement will result in the application of a penalty of 2,000 (two thousand) negative points for the proponent(s) in the next 2 (two) PATI Public Call Notices and penalty of return of any values ​​transferred by Embratur within the scope of the Collaboration Agreement.

7Will the use of in-flight magazines be permitted in the promotion plan?

Magazines may be used as Campaign tools, as established in item 2.1.XIII of the Notice, however, media broadcast on board flights to/from Brazil will not be considered for evaluation according to item 5.13.i of the Notice.

8Is the R$40 program and incentive valid for any international flight operated on W24/25?

Any frequency increments can be entered in the IATA W24/25 season, when compared to the IATA W23/24 season.

9What is the minimum number of arrivals I can enroll in a project?

The Airline must offer at least 44 international, regular and direct arrivals for each of the proposed route(s) during the IATA Winter 2024/2025 season.

10Can I register flight increments Frequencies added in S24, but which represent net increments in relation to W23?

Yes, the evaluation will be based on a comparison between W23 and W24.

11What is the reference period or year for the Commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030?

The commitments presented must be in force when the project is registered, upon presentation of a certificate or Term proving the participation of the airport or airline.

12What documentation must be presented to prove Criterion 15?

When signing the Collaboration Agreement, the proponent must prove the registration of the proposed flights in SIROS, according to the score requested when registering the Proposal.

13How will efficiency be calculated on the Quinta Liberdade Routes?

Following the efficiency calculation method, efficiency increases from both international origins presented will be considered, whether Brazil is the intermediate or final point of the route.

14What is the minimum number of arrivals I can enroll in a project?

The Airline must offer at least 44 international, regular and direct arrivals for each of the proposed route(s) during the IATA Winter 2024/2025 season.

15Can I include an action in the Promotion Plan that is not provided for in item 5.13.d?

Yes, as long as it is marked as “Other” in the “Action” field and is described in the “Description” field; its approval, however, will be subject to the approval of the Evaluation Committee, according to item 5.13.f of the Notice.

16If an airport proponent submits a proposal that is approved, but the airline is unable to execute, will the airport be penalized?

The proponent will have 5 working days in the First Call or 2 working days from the Second Call to send the Letter of Acceptance, which formalizes the interest in carrying out the classified proposal. Within this period, there are no penalties; however, if the project is withdrawn or not completed after this period, the penalties provided for in item 9.5 of the Notice will apply.

17What is being assessed in criterion 8?

Criterion 8 evaluates the existence of tax benefit policies in the Federation Unit of the Brazilian Destination that prioritize the implementation of international flights in reducing the Tax on Operations related to the Circulation of Goods and on Provisions of Interstate and Intercity Transport and Communication Services ( ICMS) on the consumption of aviation kerosene (QAV).

18Can international airlines score criteria 8, referring to ICMS?

Yes, because criterion 8 evaluates the tax benefit policies offered by the destination, and not the possibility of the airline benefiting from it.

19How do I understand what score I will achieve in criterion 8?

10 points will be awarded if the UF of the Destination has, at its lowest rate, the requirement for growth in international flights; 4 points will be awarded if the UF of the Destination has, at any rate except the lowest, the requirement for growth in international flights; and 0 points will be awarded if there is no requirement for an increase in international flights when reducing the rate.

20What proof is required if I wish to score criteria 8?

If Criterion 8 of item 6.3 is met, state or district regulations to reduce ICMS on QAV linked to the increase in international flights, according to item 5.12.i of the Notice.

21What proof is required if I wish to score criteria 11?

If Criterion 11 of item 6.3 is met, extract from the SIROS report with a list of proposed weekly domestic connecting flights.

22To count connections in Brazil according to Criterion 11, will the seats to be considered only be counted for pairs of flights with a codeshare agreement? Or could flight pairs with an interline agreement also benefit?

Only domestic flights under a codeshare agreement or operated by the airline itself will be considered, as described in Criterion 11 of the Notice.

23At the Brazilian destination airport, there is a minimum domestic-international or international-domestic connection time of less than 90 minutes. Can these flights be considered under Criterion 11?

No, only connecting flights will be accepted as described in Criterion 11, being: Departures between 90 minutes after and 240 minutes after the flight's proposed arrival; Arrivals between 240 minutes before and 90 minutes before the flight's proposed departure.

24How will Criterion 16 be verified?

When signing the Collaboration Agreement, it must be proven that the proposed flight complies with the score presented in the proposal, according to item 9.4 of the Notice. If the proposed flight does not meet the proposal's score, it will be considered not completed.

25How will the efficiency of criterion 17 be calculated?

The efficiency calculation is set out in Criterion 17 of the Manual for Applicants, being: (proposed route) - 1 / existing route. The information provided by the applicant will be compared with publicly available data from the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), through SIROS and/or GDS data, through the "Great Circle Mapper" platform (available at or other equivalent tool. The applicant can calculate route efficiency with the following process:

26What proof is required if I wish to score criteria 19?

If Criterion 19 of item 6.3 is met, proof of participation of the airport or airline in commitments aimed at achieving the SDGs and the UN 2030 Agenda, as per item 5.12.j of the Notice.

27For promotional activities to be submitted under criterion 20, does the execution period need to be until the end of W24/25 (29/03/2025)?

All activities provided for in the Notice (execution of new flights and Promotion Plan activities) must be carried out by the end date of the IATA W24/25 season (03/29/2025).

28To complete the Promotion Plan (Annex 1), can actions that will be carried out before the Collaboration Agreement be considered?

Yes, as long as they comply with the provisions of item 5.13 of the Notice and are duly proven when signing the Collaboration Agreement.

29To complete the Promotion Plan (Annex 1), can actions that will be carried out after the end of the IATA W24 Season be considered?

No, considering that the Collaboration Agreement will be in force from its signature date and will end on the closing date of the IATA W24/25 Season (29/03/2025), as indicated in item 7.1 of Annex 4 - Term of Collaboration.

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